 The World's Most Awarded Saké Brewer Yoshio Koizumi, executive managing director and chief of production, was certified in 2002 as an "Aomori Meister." Koizumi was also recognized as an "Outstanding Technician of Aomori Prefecture" in 2003.

 Momokawa's expert team of certified first-class saké brewers are skilled in the techniques, traditions, and theory of the "Nanbu Toji," a proud and well known school of master brewers that originated in Iwate Prefecture. This team is devoted to producing a top-quality product that meets the high standards of the Nanbu Toji and guarantees customer satisfaction.

Momokawa Brewing (Japan) Production Division
Certified First-class Saké Brewers: 12 men and 1 woman
Certified brewers work in other Momokawa divisions as well.
