 In addition to Aomori Prefecture's famous Mutsuhomare and Yumeakari brands, Momokawa relies on a number of other distinguished rice brands that are exceptionally suited to saké production (saké rice). In fact, brewery representatives pay regular visits to Hyogo area growers of Yamadanishiki rice known in Japan as the "king of saké rice" in order to secure a stable and high-quality supply of the superior brand.

Representative Rice Brands:

Saké Rice: Yamadanishiki, Hanaomoi, Gohyakumangoku

Regular Table Rice: Masshigura

Saké rice is a soft and highly-absorbent type of rice that is characterized by a low protein-fat content and a white core that is loosely packed with starch granules. The thousand-kernel-weight of unmilled saké rice exceeds 25 grams; the same unit of unmilled table rice weighs between 20 and 22 grams.
